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Our CSR Agenda

Our CSR Agenda is a constantly evolving plan aimed at enhancing the social value we can create and the positive social impact we can have in our everyday business practices.

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Our corporate vision and CSR agenda are aligned. We aim to create innovative and inclusive workforce solutions for our clients, candidates, and staff.

Why is this important to us? We believe that employment significantly impacts our society, influencing the overall health and prosperity of our country and the world. When people are happy and prosperous, they are more likely to make better decisions about how to care for themselves, each other, and the planet. 

While we don't claim that our business is the most important in the world, we do acknowledge our responsibility to try to make the world a better place. Through our actions and initiatives, we aspire to make a positive contribution to society and create a better future for all.


Blue Arrow is honoured to partner with Crisis, as chosen by our staff as our charity partner. 

Every two years, our staff select a charity partner to support those facing employment barriers. We raise funds through events and offer practical support to our charity partners to enhance their community's access to employment. 

Follow our social value stories on LinkedIn through our #CommunitiesThatWork initiative.

Our Pledge

  • 1Offer employment and training opportunities to those at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
  • 2Adapt fairer employment and recruitment policies and practices for people affected by homelessness.
  • 3End homelessness in communities through funding, awareness, partnerships, and volunteering.
Our Pledge

Crisis Homelessness Covenent

Blue Arrow has signed the Crisis Homelessness Covenant, an initiative aimed at addressing homelessness by creating job opportunities for those who have experienced homelessness. The covenant also helps employers adopt helpful work practices for those at risk of homelessness within their workforce.