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Workforce Planning

Workforce Planning is understanding what employees you will need to meet business goals.

Whether it is looking at the next 12 months or a 5-year strategy plan this will often include understanding what your current workforce looks like, identifying future needs, analysing your talent gaps, and designing workforce solutions to meet organisation objectives.

If you are new to workforce planning, or an experienced HR professional looking to be more strategic, this collection of resources will help you across all aspects of workforce planning for success.

Delivering the right workforce

Unlike more traditional approaches to workforce planning, we are now executing a living plan that must remain both flexible and antifragile in a VUCA world. This means that, whilst specific projects will be initiated and concluded to deliver incremental moves toward the right workforce, the workforce plan requires management for the duration of the planning horizon.

Creating the Plan

The workforce plan is a formula to change the future, or a number of possible futures, and create the right workforce. Once we have established the best combination of workforce levers and the most appropriate initiatives to execute those levers, we need to combine these together to create a workforce plan.

Demand Optimisation

Ensuring that demand is fully optimised before we commit the scarce resource of supply has been noticeably absent from both the workforce planning and HR agenda. As a result, almost like trying to fill the bath without putting in the plug, there is tremendous waste of money and the endeavours of the workforce.