Jonathan is a customer service advisor at Lloyds Banking Group.

Why did you want to go for a job in a call centre?

It is something I have done before and I really enjoyed the Banking environment. Also, I saw that the role involved helping customers with their questions not selling to them. 

How did you find the application process?

I found it fairly straight forward, I mean it was quite a long process because they wanted to do background and financial checks along with a heap of my previous addresses, but it was very well explained so all I had to do was get all of the information together.  

What is the best part about working in a call centre? 

I think it is the people who I work with, who are really nice and friendly. Also, everything is set up to make you as comfortable as possible. Even the desks can be tailored to your own needs. It makes it a really comfortable environment to work in.   

What is the worst part about working in a call centre?

So far, the only downside is that my role is still temporary therefore the insecurity can be a little unsettling. I know that quite a few people have been taken on permanently, so I am hopeful of that opportunity. Right now, I would say that is the only part I can think of that isn’t good.  

What surprised you most when you started working there?  

Personally, I knew what to expect because of my previous experience but I also think I was really well prepared from the 6 weeks training that I was given when I first started.   

What were you most worried about? 

Definitely speaking over the phone all day. Gauging people’s emotions and reactions is completely different over the phone, so I was a bit nervous about developing those skills fast enough.   

What is your team like to work with? 

They are really nice people. We spend time together at lunch time and we chat in between our calls. There has been quite a high turnover of people since I started, mainly from people choosing to leave for another permanent job. That is just natural in a temporary role but I do still socialise with those people outside of work. 

What kind of support do you receive from your managers?

My line manager is just brilliant you know, always really happy to help and very accommodating. But even if they are not around there is always someone to ask if you are not sure about something. 

Is there room for career progression or self development?

We have one to one meetings every three months where you set out what it is that you want to work on and put a plan in place for how to achieve it. One of mine is to be taken on permanently if the opportunity is available and so I know what I need to do to give myself the best chance of that. 

What is the best call you remember taking?

There isn’t really one in particular but I really like helping older people who find themselves in awkward financial situations. It is really nice to help wherever possible. You get to do your best to make a situation better for someone. 

What is the worst call you have taken?

There was a known fraudster who made a habit out of being difficult. He was a serial complainer who would be abusive just to see what he could get from the situation. I quickly got to recognise him and know what to expect and I think he probably knew my voice in the end too and stopped bothering to try it with me. 

What would you tell someone who was thinking about applying for a job like yours?

I would definitely say go for it, it is a really flexible job and a great place to work. 

Would you recommend your job to a friend? 

Yes, I have done already! 

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